I am a future researcher/engineer looking forward to entering the robotics field specialising in Autonomous Robots and Artificial Intelligence.
I have experience in robotics competitions such as NRC (Malaysian regional WRO) and DARPA Sub-Terranean Challenge. I am currently pursuing my master’s degree at National Taiwan University under Prof. Li-Chen Fu.
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, 2021 - 2023
National Taiwan University
B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017 - 2021
National Chiao Tung University
We propose a cross-modal contrastive learning for representation (CM-CLR) method that maximizes the agreement between mmWave radar data and LiDAR data in a deep reinforcement learning model. All pretrained models and hardware settings are open access for reproducing this study and can be obtained at https://arg-nctu.github.io/projects/deeprl-mmWave.html.
Team Member. The DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge aims to develop innovative technologies that would augment operations underground. Roles:
Intern as a research assistant mainly focus on DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Responsibilities include:
Spring 2020 Undergraduate Project in NCTU
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Project in NCTU
Python web app using Flask for Statistical Diagram Classification using CNN